Smart Client, Simple Cloud
The Zarqon Desktop Control Center
allows you to define products and
issue licenses, all stored in your own
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
account for pennies per month.
S3 is backed by a Service Level Agreement (SLA)
that ensures your customers will
rarely if ever have issues validating
their licenses.
Flexible, Lightweight API
Using the Zarqon API in your apps
couldn’t be simpler, but that doesn’t
mean it isn’t powerful.
The library adds very little to the
compiled size of your final product
and it supports multiple licensing
schemes, making it easy for you to
handle each product in its own
unique way.
Can You Keep A Secret?
While Zarqon stores your product
and license holder information in
private S3 buckets accessible only
by you, the licenses you issue are
encrypted and stored in a publicly
readable bucket for your software
to validate. This means you do not have to ‘bake’
your S3 credentials into your shipped
software for hackers to reap.
For desktop apps, the License Key is
worthless without the rest of the
license holder’s information, which is
used in the encryption and decryption
process. This makes it unlikely for
them to share their license info.
For web apps, the running site is used
in the encryption key, so it simply
will not validate for an unlicensed site.
Protecting, Licensing and Selling Adobe Flex & AIR Applications
In the Flex and AIR software development community, there is much FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) surrounding the related issues of code protection and license control.
When we begin to think about what it would take to control licensing of our software and keep it from being cracked and redistributed for free, or see our hard work stolen by a competitor with a decompiler, the attractiveness of trying to produce and sell our own software can quickly fade. When all you want to do is focus on making your app the very best it can be, these questions are pretty depressing. You know it will take a lot of time to evaluate and implement something that will reliably control and protect the fruit of all the hours of hard work you’ll put in on your app.
- Just what the dangers and the options for mitigating them?
- Are license control and code protection issues that developers should attempt to build their own solutions for?
- How reliable and secure are the off-the-shelf options and what approaches do they use?
- Should these issues be handled by a single product or multiple products?
- Once my product is ready to go, how do I sell and market it?
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